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  • Kreinik Ribbon
  • DMC Diamant & Diamant Grande

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  • DMC threads

DoStitch is a contemporary craft shop offering high quality embroidery and craft items
at a reasonable price. It is a place where people like you can enjoy choosing and shopping
and satisfy their passion for needlework.

We believe that in the modern world, it is needlework that provides the long-awaited exit

from digital technologies to the world of creativity, where creativity and imagination reign supreme.

Needlework is much more than a hobby; it is an expression of individuality, brightness of life, and

satisfaction in every day of your favorite creativity.

Our matter


We will provide the main novelties from the needlework manufacturers of your choice and look.

To do this, we opened DoStitch to make a convenient and comfortable place for growth and development

for those who are just as passionate about embroidery and not only as we are. Our specialists and

buyers will provide you with: the largest and most interesting selection of the most colorful and vibrant

needlework products, at fair prices and offer all the materials you need, answers to questions, and help in

choosing the products you love.